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Numerical investigation of entropy generation in a parabolic trough receiver at different concentration ratiosMWESIGYE, Aggrey; BELLO-OCHENDE, Tunde; MEYER, Josua P et al.Energy (Oxford). 2013, Vol 53, pp 114-127, issn 0360-5442, 14 p.Article

Über die Merkmalsanreicherung bei Stofftrennungen = The concentration of characteristics in connection with material separation = L'enrichissement de caractéristiques lors de la séparation de matières = El enriquecimiento de las características en la separación de las materiasBLANKMEISTER, W.Aufbereitungs-Technik. 1995, Vol 36, Num 8, pp 379-386, issn 0004-783XArticle

Maximum concentration for ideal asymmetrical radiation concentratorsNORDLANDER, S.Solar energy. 2005, Vol 79, Num 5, pp 566-567, issn 0038-092X, 2 p.Article

Catecholamine levels and their correlation to blood gases in umbilical venous blood obtained by cordocentesisOKAMURA, K; WATANABE, T; TANIGAWARA, S et al.Fetal diagnosis and therapy. 1990, Vol 5, Num 3-4, pp 147-152, issn 1015-3837Article

Optical, geometric and thermal study for solar parabolic concentrator efficiency improvement under Tunisia environment: A case studySKOURI, Safa; MOHIEDDINE BEN SALAH; BOUADILA, Salwa et al.Energy conversion and management. 2013, Vol 75, pp 366-373, issn 0196-8904, 8 p.Article

Rheological modification of corn stover biomass at high solids concentrationsSAMANIUK, Joseph R; SCOTT, C. Tim; ROOT, Thatcher W et al.Journal of rheology (New York, NY). 2012, Vol 56, Num 3, pp 649-665, issn 0148-6055, 17 p.Article

The serum concentration of allograft inflammatory factor―1 is correlated with metabolic parameters in healthy subjectsFUKUI, Michiaki; TANAKA, Muhei; TODA, Hitoshi et al.Metabolism, clinical and experimental. 2012, Vol 61, Num 7, pp 1021-1025, issn 0026-0495, 5 p.Article

Minimum entropy generation due to heat transfer and fluid friction in a parabolic trough receiver with non-uniform heat flux at different rim angles and concentration ratiosMWESIGYE, Aggrey; BELLO-OCHENDE, Tunde; MEYER, Josua P et al.Energy (Oxford). 2014, Vol 73, pp 606-617, issn 0360-5442, 12 p.Article

Effect of varying salt and urea permeabilities along descending limbs of henle in a model of the renal medullary urine concentration mechanismTHOMAS, S. R.Bulletin of mathematical biology. 1991, Vol 53, Num 6, pp 825-843, issn 0092-8240Article

Solar electric concentrators with small concentration ratios: Field experience and new developmentsMOHRING, Hans D; GABLER, Hansjörg.sans titre. 2002, pp 1608-1611, isbn 0-7803-7471-1, 4 p.Conference Paper

Aqueous humor Adrenomedullin levels differ in patients with different types of glaucomaEVEREKLIOGLU, Cem; DOGANAY, Selim; ER, Hamdi et al.Japanese journal of ophthalmology. 2002, Vol 46, Num 2, pp 203-208, issn 0021-5155Article

Serum potassium and risk of cardiovascular disease: The Framingham Heart StudyWALSH, Craig R; LARSON, Martin G; LEIP, Eric P et al.Archives of internal medicine (1960). 2002, Vol 162, Num 9, pp 1007-1012, issn 0003-9926Article

Evaluation of the haemoglobin Colour scale and comparison with the HemoCue haemoglobin assayPADDLE, J. J.Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2002, Vol 80, Num 10, pp 813-816, issn 0042-9686, 4 p.Article

The association of testosterone with nicotine use in young adult femalesMARTIN, Catherine A; LOGAN, T. K; PORTIS, Charity et al.Addictive behaviors. 2001, Vol 26, Num 2, pp 279-283, issn 0306-4603Article

Variability of tear protein levels in normal young adults : diurnal (daytime) variationNG, Vincent; CHO, Pauline; WONG, Felix et al.Graefe's archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology. 2001, Vol 239, Num 4, pp 257-263, issn 0721-832XArticle

Serum copper concentration and coronary heart disease among US adultsFORD, E. S.American journal of epidemiology. 2000, Vol 151, Num 12, pp 1182-1188, issn 0002-9262Article

Are nitrite/nitrate (NOx) levels elevated by inhalation injury?NAKAE, H; ENDO, S; INADA, K et al.Burns. 2000, Vol 26, Num 6, pp 515-519, issn 0305-4179Article

Does a relationship exist between ioduria, magnesiuria and calciuria ?SIMECKOVA, A; ZAMRAZIL, V; CEROVSKA, J et al.Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology. 2000, Vol 14, Num 1, pp 28-30, issn 0946-672XArticle

Circulating thrombopoietin levels in neonates with infectionCOLARIZI, P; FIORUCCI, P; CARADONNA, A et al.Acta paediatrica (Oslo). 1999, Vol 88, Num 3, pp 332-337, issn 0803-5253Article

Serum and dietary magnesium and the risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus : The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities StudyKAO, W. H. L; FOLSOM, A. R; NIETO, F. J et al.Archives of internal medicine (1960). 1999, Vol 159, Num 18, pp 2151-2159, issn 0003-9926Article

Twenty-four-hour variation in serum leptin in the elderlyFRANCESCHINI, R; CORSINI, G; CATALDI, A et al.Metabolism, clinical and experimental. 1999, Vol 48, Num 8, pp 1011-1014, issn 0026-0495Article

Blood selenium levels and thyroid function in subjects aged 80 years and overRAVAGLIA, G; FORTI, P; MAIOLI, F et al.Journal of endocrinological investigation (Testo stampato). 1999, Vol 22, Num 10, pp 47-48, issn 0391-4097, SUPConference Paper

Does carbamazepine have a narrow therapeutic plasma concentration range?BIALER, M; LEVY, R. H; PERUCCA, E et al.Therapeutic drug monitoring. 1998, Vol 20, Num 1, pp 56-59, issn 0163-4356Article

Declining blood lead levels and changes in cognitive function during childhood the port pirie cohort studySHILU TONG; BAGHURST, P. A; SAWYER, M. G et al.JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association. 1998, Vol 280, Num 22, pp 1915-1919, issn 0098-7484Article

Decreased circulating adrenomedullin in pre-eclampsiaHATA, T; MIYAZAKI, K; MATSUI, K et al.Lancet (British edition). 1997, Vol 350, Num 9091, issn 0140-6736, p. 1600Article

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